
Sine Qua Non Mr. K The Straw Man, Central Coast, USA

美国 USA > 加利福尼亚州 California
赛美蓉   玛珊  
甘菊茶 焦糖 蜂蜜
关于“赛奎农酒庄K先生稻草人甜白葡萄酒(Sine Qua Non Mr. K The Straw Man, Central Coast, USA) ”的酒款综述
这款酒产自美国的卓越酒庄——赛奎农酒庄,属于"K先生"系列中的一员。这一系列的葡萄酒是赛奎农酒庄庄主曼弗雷德·克兰克尔(Manfred Krankl)与澳大利亚的酿酒师克莱西(Alois Kracher)合作酿造的甜酒,非常著名,质量非常出色。
关于“赛奎农酒庄K先生稻草人甜白葡萄酒(Sine Qua Non Mr. K The Straw Man, Central Coast, USA)”的评分
Wine Advocate 由罗伯特•帕克(Robert Parker)创立于1978年,首创100分制,通过《葡萄酒倡导家》杂志为核心进行发布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一评分。
Even more remarkable is the 2005 Mr. K. Marsanne Vin de Paille The Straw Man. One-hundred percent Marsanne from the Beckmen Vineyard, with remarkably low alcohol (7.5%), a whopping 392 grams of residual sugar per liter, and exceptional acidity (6.4 grams of acid per liter), this is one of the most singular sweet wines I have ever tasted. It rivals the great 2000 Suey that was made from Roussanne and ended up with 241 grams of residual sugar. The individualistic, prodigious sweet wines are the products of meticulous attention to detail, obsessive harvesting requirements, and amazing vinifications and upbringings. They are unbelievable elixirs, and this one is as complex and intense as any sweet wine made in the world. It is a fitting tribute to the genius of both Manfred Krankl and his late partner, Luis Kracher.I don’t know whether it’s catching on or not, but there is a school of nonsense going around that somehow low yields are overrated. Of course, farmers who treat their vineyards like industrial plants, and wineries who do not control vineyards, or have accountants running the bottom line, are the usual suspects making this specious argument. From my perspective, thirty years of experience have always suggested that vineyards with the lowest yields tend to produce the most interesting wines. Sine Qua Non has emerged as one of the world’s greatest wineries over the last decade, and low yields are part of the reason. Yields for their white wine varietals have gone from .91 tons per acre in 2003, to their most generous yield of 1.86 tons per acre in 2005. Their red varietal yields have increased from a scary, financially disastrous .32 tons per acre for the 2003 Grenache, to a whopping 2.11 tons per acre in 2005. In 2007, yields averaged 1.28 tons per acre for the white varietals, 1.31 tons per acre for Grenache, and 1.52 tons per acre for Syrah. (I did not taste the 2007 SQN wines, but other Central Coast 2007s I did taste suggest this will be a great vintage for this region.) When tasting wines such as Sine Qua Non, these statistics mean something because the Grenache is the finest in the New World, the Syrah begs to be compared with the greatest of France, California, and Australia, and the white wine blends assembled by Manfred Krankl are as sumptuous and complex as the world’s finest Chardonnays, even though there is little Chardonnay included in recent vintages, and there will be none in future releases. The ultimate “garage” winery, this operation’s back alley warehouse looks like a set scene from the movie Mad Max, but inside are the elixirs of dreams. Despite Krankl’s already lofty reputation, he continues to fine tune and build more nuances and complexity into his wines without sacrificing their intrinsic exuberance, purity, intensity, and individuality. I am increasingly convinced that no one in Australia, America, South America, or anywhere else in the New World makes a finer, more complex and compelling Grenache than Manfred Krankl. He is now producing two Grenache cuvees, an experimental, highly successful, long barrel-aged (40-43 months) effort, and a Grenache that is aged in oak for nearly two years prior to bottling.There are also two renditions of Syrah, a long-aged offering that is essentially an hommage to Marcel Guigal’s single vineyard Cote Roties (the SQN Syrahs are aged 42 months in 100% new French oak), and a Syrah that is bottled after 21-22 months in oak. These cuvees are rarely 100% Syrah as Krankl frequently adds in some co-fermented Viognier as well as Grenache. There are four sweet wines being made, but, unfortunately, the Mr. K. series will end because of the premature and tragic death of the renowned Alois (Luis) Kracher, the genius behind so many extraordinary sweet wines from Austria, and a partner with Krankl. In a year filled with some extraordinary tastings (2005 Bordeaux, 2007 Southern Rhones to come), this tasting at the so-called “garage d’or” on the back streets of Ventura stands along side the wine-tasting/dinner at the Great Wall of China as one of the two wine-tasting events of the year.Tel. (805) 649-8901
Stephen Tanzer 《国际葡萄酒窖》(International Wine Cellar)杂志的编辑和出版商,也是《福布斯指南》(Forbes)的葡萄酒专栏作家。
赛奎农酒庄(Sine Qua Non)
赛奎农酒庄(Sine Qua Non) 1994年,曼弗雷德•克兰克尔(Manfred Krankl)与妻子伊莱恩(Elaine)共同创建了赛奎农酒庄(Sine Qua Non)。酒庄位于美国加州中部海岸,初期只酿造100箱左右的葡萄酒以供餐厅配餐之用。1996年开始,年产量提升到2,000箱。赛奎农酒庄也同澳大利亚的酿酒师克莱西(Alois Kracher)合作酿造“Mr. K”品牌甜酒。克兰… 【详情】
本酒款酿酒葡萄资料ABOUT GRAPE
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