产区:法国 » 勃艮第
李志延酒评:我盲品了1978、1985和1990年这3个年份的拉塔希(La Tache)葡萄酒,这是我第二喜欢的葡萄酒,仅次于1978年份。我一直很喜爱这个年份的拉塔希,它也从没令我失望。这是一款品质极佳的拉塔希葡萄酒。然而,1978年份的葡萄酒陈年后呈现出更复杂和微妙的风味,诱人而完美,现在适饮。这款1990年份的拉塔希无疑会在陈年后发展成如1978年份一般精致、强劲而持久的风味,可再瓶陈10年。
Tasting Note: Three vintages of La Tache (1978, 1985, 1990) were tasted blind and I chose this one as my second favorite after the 1978. I have always been a big fan of this vintage of La Tache and it isn't at all that this bottle disappointed - it is a wonderful La Tache. However, the 1978, with more evolution and greater complexity and nuances acquired through time was seductive and perfect to enjoy now. I have no doubt the 1990 will also evolve to become as delicate yet powerful and persistent as the 1978 with another decade in bottle.